It never seems to end. These 2 guys squabbling over petty things. One raises an issue abt Indians in our country being neglected, the other challenges back, saying the complainant himself received aid from MIC. Now do we need to know all that.
There are only 2 Indian full ministers, rather than joining hands and help the community, these 2 are squabbling over things which only makes the public laugh. This is worst than a coffee shop scenario.
Anyway, the blame is back to the Indian community. If only the voters have voted in educated professionals, then the MIC will be something to be proud of 2day. But when birds of a feather votes for its kind, this is what u get. To me personally, the Indians who are smart have to carry on surviving above the poverty line, and those below that poverty line, try some luck. If they were to depend on MIC or PPP for that matter, life will remain the same. Can both these ministers shut up their public squabble and work for the betterment of the community.
There are only 2 Indian full ministers, rather than joining hands and help the community, these 2 are squabbling over things which only makes the public laugh. This is worst than a coffee shop scenario.
Anyway, the blame is back to the Indian community. If only the voters have voted in educated professionals, then the MIC will be something to be proud of 2day. But when birds of a feather votes for its kind, this is what u get. To me personally, the Indians who are smart have to carry on surviving above the poverty line, and those below that poverty line, try some luck. If they were to depend on MIC or PPP for that matter, life will remain the same. Can both these ministers shut up their public squabble and work for the betterment of the community.