Parents Play Your Role

Everytime something happens in our country, that is tragic,
fingers are pointed at one party. Hardly anyone takes the blame.
We are people who are quick to pass the judgement and accusation, but
last to take responsibility for an incident.

Just read a blog and was interesting to read an article where the blame for
numerous criminal activities in our nation was purely blamed on the ineffectiveness
of our police. The person blames the police for not enforcing the law, thus the increase in criminal activities.

I wonder, how can one just blame the police for it? They are there to enforce the law, to make sure people who take the law into their own hands are apprehended, but let say, if out of anger, i were to smash up my superior's car in my workplace, what can the police do? They are not
there to watch each and every citizen of this country!

We have to play that role. As leaders in our family, we as parents must educate our children, moral values being taught, be with them in their growing up years, and guide them with good and sound religious knowledge. If every parent take this step, we too can be a nation proud of its culture and traditions. Sadly, parents least play their roles, and pass the burden to school teachers and the society. Anything negative that transpire from that effect, they are free from
all accusations. It's always somebodies fault, not mine.

Hey parents, are u wary where ur kids are now? what they are doing?

Think about it.
